Color sketch 1--Nicolas Notovitch in
" Translation"
(click for larger image)
Notovitch writes in his journal as his translator interprets the ancient
language read from the Issa scrolls by the lama.
A Lost Years image
Since Himis was the nearest location to get help for his injury, and
more importantly, a good reason to revisit Himis,
Notovichs entourage brought him there.
Thus on this, his "second visit" with some encouragement, the
chief lama relented and gave Notovitch full access to the documents. Tasking
the local postmaster (who himself was a convert to Christianity) as a
translator, the monks read the documents, while Notovitch transcribed
them into his journal. According to Notovitch, the passages related to
Issa were scattered
throughout the texts and he condensed and organized them into his work.
When his leg sufficiently healed, he left the monastery and traveled back
to Europe where he published the
resulting book "The Unknown Years of Jesus Christ."
Image Copyright ©2004-2007
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