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A map of possible routes
of Jesus' alleged eastern sojourn

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Ancient texts discovered by travelers in a Tibetan monastery and elsewhere indicate the Jesus Christ may have visited regions to the east — far beyond Israel. Some of the possible travel routes are depicted here. Since it is not certain which paths he might have taken, some assumptions based on the old documents are made. Additionally, some of the regions depicted are modern, sharing space side by side with archaic areas for reference.

To sum things up, the 13 year old Issa left Jerusalem to elude the fate that traditionally claimed his peers—marriage. Moreover, this also gave him the opportunity to visit lands of the mysterious wisemen, the three "kings" who left him expensive gifts shortly after his birth. He is believed to have traveled with merchant caravans east, via Damascus, Kabal and other cities to finally arrive in India.

There he remained for six years where he was very interested in being taught by that region's "white priests" about the Vedas and how to focus spiritual powers to perform "miracles." Later, he went on his own to preach and soon ran afoul of evil and corrupt members religious and warrior castes. They plotted against him, whereupon he left India and journeyed into Nepal.

Another six years passed by as he learned the ways of Pali language and Sutra writings. He tarried at various towns and villages as far east as Lhasa, Tibet. He preached and healed the affirm. From there he turned to Himis then Leh (and possibly Srinagar)descended into the valley of Rajputana(a state in India). This marks his return trip to Jerusalem.

On his way through Persia, Issa's preaching apparently gained momentum. Orthodox Zoroastrian priests, afraid for their congregations, had him arrested. After an interrogation, they let him go. However, he was released at night outside the city walls where they hoped the local wildlife would devour him. Yet, this was not the case and Issa continued on "uneaten" to arrive in Israel on his 29th birthday. He then preached and ministered to the Israelites until the governor Pilate had him executed. But on the third day of his interrment, the tomb was found empty, his mortal remains gone. This caused quite a stir.

After this incident, according to the Bible, Jesus resurrected and reappeared to disciples in his new "transfigured" body for 40 days. Afterwards Jesus ascended into heaven. Roman sources indicate that the Emperor was impressed enough to want to make Jesus a "god", but the attempt was nixed by the Roman Senate.



However, according to some legends, Jesus completed his Israelite ministry through his ascension but nevertheless soon thereafter returned to continue his earthly ministry. Jesus first lived in Damascus, then visited present day Iskilip, Turkey, where he met Thomas.

Afterwards it seems he lived in various parts of Persia for perhaps as long as 16 years where he became known as "Yuz Asaf "(Leader of the Healed). It is reported he gained quite a following before moving on through Afghanistan and Pakistan. Apparently, his mother accompanied him on his travels as a tomb on the border of what was once known as Kashmir, is honored as her gravesite.

Settling in Kashmir, according to some documentation, Yuz Asaf announced himself a prophet. He exemplified the heights of piety and virtue and gained favor with that country's king. When self-righteous individuals, on behalf of their religion, attempted to have him ousted, the king ignored them.

Kashmir is also the final resting place for Yuz Asaf as well, for in Srinagar, his grave, "Tomb of the Prophet" is maintained there.  Top

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