Acrylic painting--St Issa (Jesus)preaching in Persia
" The Firebrand"
(click for larger image)
"1 The words of Issa spread among the pagans in the midst
of the countries he traversed,
and the inhabitants forsook their idols...
12 Seeing the powerlessness of their priests, the pagans had still
greater faith in the sayings of Issa and, fearing the anger of the Divinity,
broke their idols to pieces."
Text excerpt from The Unknown Life of
Jesus Christ
St Issa traveled rapidly back through India on his way back to Israel.
While passing into western adjacent countries he preached to the various
peoples and tribes there. Wherever he went he caused a stir, his words
a revival of faith and ultimately inciting the destruction of their stone,
wood, and metallic idol statues.
At the time, Zoroastrianism was the dominant religion west of India,
and monotheistic. Adherents made it a point to pray before cauldrons of
fire or some form of light. It was used as symbol and point of focus,
similar to the crucifix in Christianity. However, The Zoroastrianism that
St Issa apparently dealt with crossed this line when their priests taught
others to "worship the sun, the spirit of good and of evil."
This is the acrylic painting to depict this part of Issas journey.
While the priests rage on impotently, Issas words resound in the
peoples hearts burning and judging; pricked so the populace turns against
its pagan ways and their once worshiped idols come crashing down. In some
ways this was a very difficult painting, somewhat reminiscent of the Taliban
destroying the great Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. However the difference
here is those statues eventually passed from idol
to art and were that countries unique cultural heritage.
The situation at the time of Jesus is those things that were broken up,
existed as living deities in the minds of their worshippers. Their removal
symbolized rejection of the old gods and acceptance of the unseen One
God. Their fall aided their shift in focus from the idol and what they
meant so they could concentrate on their new faith.
It is not known how long these new adherents persisted in their faith
as time and
other religions seemed to have dissipated them.
Image Copyright ©2004-2007
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